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Thursday, January 27, 2011

The eyes of a homeless man...

Lately, God has been gripping my heart for the homeless in East St. Louis. In the past, I would have been afraid to give out money, for fear that they would use it to buy drugs or alcohol. But, now God is doing something in my heart to where I just can't pass them or their needs by. Yes, there is a chance that they could decide to use the money to buy drugs, but there is also a chance that they could also decide to use it to buy food. Even if they did use the money for drugs, I believe that simply knowing that someone has stopped to notice them, ministers God's LOVE to them. Today, I was driving and saw a homeless man walking down the street, pushing his grocery cart. I knew I had to turn around and give him some money, just so he would know that someone cares about him. I put my hand out the window to give it to him and the look of gratitude in his eyes melted my heart. He said thank you twice. Those eyes looked sad and worn. I'm praying that God would melt his heart towards Jesus.


Anonymous said...

AMEN!!!!!!! They don't care how much you know until they know how much you care!

Anonymous said...

God bless you Rrachel. You have a remarkable heart, especially for the downtrodden and the lost.