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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Stopping by to see you...

Yesterday I was sitting on my couch with my windows and doors open. I heard a little voice outside of my door, but I couldn't see anyone. I knew it had to be a small child. I kept hearing them say what I thought was my name. So I decided to take a look. I opened my door and saw one of the boys from the other side of the neighborhood. He is seven. He said, "I came by to see you, but I wasn't sure what apartment you lived in." We talked a little bit about his day and he was going on and on, telling me all he did that day. He was so cute! He randomly said that he lives with his Grandma but when he asked for something to eat, she said they didn't have any food. Sometimes I find that kids say things like this just because they want you to give them something, but they really do have food at home. I decided not to analyze the situation and just give him something to eat. I gave him three oranges and he was happy. When he left, he said, "I'm coming by tomorrow too." I said, "I would love that!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwwww!!!!! I love it! That's adorable!