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Friday, January 29, 2010

Demons bowing to the name of JESUS...

Lately I have been asking God to set up supernatural conversations and supernatural appointments that only He could do. Today He did that! I was with one of the young ladies who used to live here in John DeShields. She began telling me how she has been hearing and seeing weird things in her home and it has really been scaring her and her children. She called them ghosts. Right away I explained to her that these are not ghosts, but demons. She went on to share with me that things like this have been happening to her since she was a child. But have been getting worse since she watched a movie called "Paranormal Activity." I asked her if she would allow me to come into her home so I can cast the demons out. She isn't a Christian so all of this was very new to her. She agreed because she was so tired of it happening and being tormented. I told her in order for the demons to leave her house she would need to invite Jesus into her heart because they wouldn't listen if Jesus wasn't the Lord of her life. So, she listened to what it meant to make Jesus her Lord and was just soaking it all in. We prayed the prayer of salvation together and she got saved! We went inside and she began to show me all of the areas of the house where she heard, felt and saw things. I led her in a prayer of renouncing those things and any way that she had let them in. I asked her to go with me into each room and be in agreement with me. The first room we went to was the cellar. As soon as we walked in I could sense a demonic presence and she said she could too. She said each time we began praying or worshipping she could tell they were mad. hahahahaha! Good! We proceeded to go into each room in the basement, worship, exalt the name of JESUS and command the demons to go. The first two rooms they left right away. But then we got to a certain area and I could tell they weren't budging. Then I realized that this home is her Mom's home and this young lady is staying with her Mom. So, her Mom is the head of this household. Her Mom came home and we explained what we were doing. I told her that the demons would leave out of certain rooms but the rooms associated with her they wouldn't leave from. She was a little hesitant and wouldn't completely admit that they were demons, but maybe just things her mind was seeing. I led her in the prayer of salvation and renouncing as well, but I don't know if I can say that it was completely genuine on her part. We then went into her room to cast the demons out. I could still tell they weren't leaving. So, I told her that in order for them to leave she would need to admit that at least some of the things that she has seen and felt were actually demons. So, she finally did and I could tell it was genuine although I believe she was holding some things back. We prayed and I could sense the demonic presence go, but I still felt in my spirit that she wasn't completely letting go. I told the young lady that I believe because she was adamant about the demonic spirits leaving that they wouldn't torment her anymore, but that I couldn't speak for her Mom, because of her reluctance. I encouraged the young lady to try to get a place of her own as soon as she could. I ther to use the name of JESUS any time she needed to and left her with some worship music to play continually in her home. She was so on board with me in each room and area of the house we went into. Even though she just got saved that day and had never done anything like this before, she was totally backing me up in faith. I could feel it! When we went to the garage to pray over it, she began joining with me in saying the name of JESUS out loud. It was wonderful! It was amazing to watch God use a brand new baby Christian to destroy the devil. I was so glad she was with me because I would not have attempted that on my own. Now that she was saved, the devil knew that there were two of us standing against him with JESUS inside of us and he and his demons had to bow to that name. THANK YOU JESUS!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love it!!!!!

This is one of my favorite testimonies that you have posted. God is soooo good!!!! I will be praying for the mom. I hope she understands, the devil isn't something to mess with or be flippant about. Rach you are doing awesome and mighty things. I love hearing about them. Love you!!