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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The first kids I ever met in East St. Louis...

My first trip ever to East St. Louis, IL was in August of 1997. I was twenty years old and on a mission. What compelled me to go to this dangerous city that I was always told never to go to, where eight kids (from two separate families) that I had just met at camp that summer. My sister and a friend went with me and we showed up on the doorstep of their apartment, unknowingly in the worst housing projects in all of East St. Louis. They were little kids then, now all in their early and mid 20's. This trip, was just the beginning of a passion for the city of East St. Louis and the the neighborhood of John DeShields. Since that summer day in 1997, I haven't left since.

As these original kids got older, thankfully they were able to move out of John DeShields. We have stayed in touch as best as possible, but over the past five years, we haven't been able to see each other as much. But, last night one of the family of kids came over to my house for dinner. We talked about old memories, they asked about my time living in John DeShields, we talked about Christianity and the Muslim religion because one of the boys is now following that religion. We looked at old photos and took new photos. I felt like I was in a dream, the first kids who ever drew me to East St. Louis, were sitting in my home... again. Spending time with them, brought me back to my roots and caused me to fall deeper in love with East St. Louis. They are all grown up, some with kids of their own, all in college and all very responsible. I'm so proud of them! They have their heads on straight. I'm praying for them, that they would all come to have a radical, in LOVE with JESUS relationship and begin walking in the plans and purposes that He has for their lives.

LOVING East St. Louis,
Rachel :)

1 comment:

becki said...

Yeah! I was so excited to read this update. I'm so glad they are all doing well, and you got to catch up with them again. Everyone looks great!