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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Celebrating five years in full time ministry!

In May I celebrated five years of being in the ministry full time. I wanted to share this milestone with you, our partners, because you have been a vital and important part of these past five years.

I remember when I took that first step into full time ministry. It was scary, but I knew God was calling me.

We started out small, and over the years God has increased this ministry.  In the beginning, I was doing most of the ministry alone. Now we have been blessed with a team of amazing staff and volunteers! Since the beginning, significant things have happened.  There is no way we could have done it without you! Below are some of the highlights of what God has done over these past five years:

The Champions recreational youth program started in Lincoln Park with three volunteers and ten teenagers. We only had a boom box, a few boxes of snack cakes and a couple basketballs. In the beginning fights broke out, kids stole our equipment, made fun of us and were very disrespectful. But now we have eleven volunteers and over one hundred different teens that come through each year. We grew from an average of ten kids per outreach to thirty kids per outreach. We are now in a beautiful and safe building (Mary Brown Center); and we have a lot of nice equipment, good food and a flourishing program reaching young people with recreation, relationship and restoration.

Young Men
This lunch outreach started with me and only four young men who came to eat burgers cooked on a small George Foreman grill. I faced opposition and vicious words from people in the neighborhood who were angry I was serving the men in the neighborhood who were causing all the trouble. This outreach grew from only one volunteer to now having eight volunteers and sixty different young men who come through within the year.  Trust has been built with these men and now they share their lives with us.

Prisoners Reached
A handful of prisoners have been reached through letters, visits and support at their court dates. One prisoner supports the Dream Center financially. Another prisoner gave his heart to Christ in prison, is taking Bible correspondence courses and passes the Dream Center newsletter out to his fellow prisoners.

Staff and Volunteers
Janell Roedl came on staff two years ago and is now in the vital role of Office Manager and Outreach Coordinator. We now have twenty- five volunteers total who help with our outreaches and office work. We plan to add two more staff members this year.

Prayer Walking and Prayer Driving
One of the first things I did when I moved into the John DeShields Neighborhood was spend most mornings prayer walking in the neighborhood. These were precious times, hearing the heart of God for the neighborhood and the city of East St. Louis. He always set up divine appointments, bringing me across the paths of people who needed prayer, encouragement or just a hug. Once a week, we also drove around the city of East St. Louis praying for peace, restoration, change, healing, corruption to be brought into the light and for God to put the right people in places of authority. We believe God is still working behind the scenes and will continue to answer these prayers.

Water Baptisms and Kids Filled with the Holy Spirit
Several of the teenagers were hungry for God and wanted to take the next step in their relationship with Him, so we were able to water baptize them in my bath tub in my John DeShields apartment. A few also wanted to receive the gift of praying in tongues, so we laid hands on them and they received.

Emergency Situations
There were often times where I was needed to help in emergency situations while living in John DeShields (gun wounds, thefts, drug situations, various violent issues). God had me there at the right place and the right time to provide assistance and prayer.

Fights and Violence Stopped
Often I would see fights or hear gun fire when I lived in John DeShields. In those moments, I would pray and release the angels to stop the fights. Many times fights dissipated and peace was brought to the situation.

Bible Studies and Prayer Meetings           
My prayer partner moved to go away to Bible School, so I suddenly needed people to pray with. I invited the teenagers to come. They came faithfully and we prayed together for their neighborhood and had Bible studies.

Several youth were mentored, either through rides to school, dinner out or baseball games. A handful of women were also mentored through my daily interactions with them when I lived in the neighborhood. They shared their fears, dreams and prayer requests.

We can’t wait to see what God has planned for the next five years and we want you to be a part of it! We wish we could introduce you to every young man and every teenager that we minister to. We would say to them, “These are the people who help make this happen for you. You have people all over the place who love and care about you, who believe in you. That’s why they give, in order to provide these outreaches for you.”

Will you keep us in your prayers in the areas listed below as we continue moving forward? Please be in agreement with us for:

·         A smooth transition as we add on two new people to our office staff.  
·         God to give us favor and bless us with our very own building in His perfect timing.  
·         A fully funded and abundant budget for this year, lacking nothing.

Thank you again for your continued support. We know God has even greater things in store!

LOVING East St. Louis,
Rachel and the DREAM Center Team

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