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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Wild Provision

Lately we've been encouraged to remember the ways that God has provided for us here at the Dream Center as we move forward with the fresh vision that's been stirring in our hearts to pioneer and create an East St. Louis renaissance. Most of the ways He has provided have been practical; a check in the mail, a donation given on-line, someone donating a physical item like a desk or basketballs. As we've been remembering the ways God has provided, we are extremely grateful for all of the ways, but there are three stories of His provision that stand out. These have His creativity and miraculous ways written all over them! 

When I first started the Dream Center it wasn't incorporated as a non-profit, so I just paid for things out of my own pocket. We were a handful of volunteers and a small group of teenagers at that time, so our needs weren't huge... basketballs, baseball equipment, Little Debbie snacks, a boom box, etc. I was happy to make that investment, but my hope was that other people would catch the vision and begin investing in this dream as well 

The first people ever to give to the Dream Center were some dear friends of mine. They heard about what we were doing and came to me one day and handed me an envelope with $100 cash in it. They said, "We plan to start giving this same amount each month to help with the Dream Center." I was overwhelmed and overjoyed! I had determined to keep paying for the expenses that we had for the outreaches, but shortly after we stepped out with starting the teen outreach, God took care of it with this monthly gift.  

I've always believed that their first seed of giving they planted in the DREAM Center is what caused more donations to come in shortly after that. About a month later, a church began donating $300 per month for several years to help us rent an indoor gym so the kids could have a safe place to play inside.  

Another story that reminds me of God's desire to cause us to smile was when someone brought money to give to the Dream Center in a very creative way. We were in a very tight place financially with the Dream Center and we needed money to come in that very day.  

That morning, I was listening to a teaching by Keith Moore about God being our only Source. He said, "God is so faithful that He could send a dog to your doorstep holding a paper bag of money." When I heard this, I told God, "I know you can bring money to us in any way, shape or form and if you have to, you'll bring it to my doorstep in a paper bag."  

That night we had a teen outreach and all of the volunteers met at my apartment in the John DeShields Neighborhood. One of the volunteers approached me and handed me a fast food, brown paper bag. He said, "I've been saving up my tip money and there's about $150 cash in here. I felt like I should give it to the Dream Center. I'm sorry it's in a paper bag, I couldn't fit it all in my wallet. I figured the safest, least obvious way to bring all this cash into your apartment was to put it in this fast food bag I had in my car." I was in shock! I told him the prayer I had just prayed earlier that day and we rejoiced at God's amazing way He provided.  

The last story is the most precious to me and reminds me of God's wild creativity and care in providing for His kids. I was prayer walking one morning in the John DeShields Neighborhood and a 21 year old young man who I was slightly familiar with stopped me and said, "Do you have $5 I could have? I'm homeless and would like to stay in cheap hotel tonight, I haven't slept in a while."  

I didn't even have a dollar to give to him, plus I very rarely gave money to people in the neighborhood. He looked very tired and I didn't know for sure if he was homeless. After we chatted for a while and I heard his story, I believed that he truly didn't have a place to stay. I couldn't determine if he would actually use the money for a hotel, but my heart went out to him. I told him I didn't have the money, but that I could pray with him. We grabbed hands and I remember the specific prayer I prayed... "God, you made all the gold in the world and you can provide the money he needs or a place for him to sleep." 

We went our separate ways and I stayed out prayer walking longer than usual. On my last lap, as I turned the corner, I SAW A $5 DOLLAR BILL LAYING IN THE GRASS! In all of the mornings I had been out prayer walking, I never found money, except for pennies. I walked quickly to my apartment and wrote a card to him and put the $5 along with 50 cents in the envelope.  

I walked across the street to where he was hanging out. First, I asked him if he was honestly going to use this money for a hotel and not for drugs or alcohol. By the look in his eyes, in my heart I believed he was telling the truth. I explained to him what happened and that God was demonstrating His LOVE for him by miraculously giving him this $5. 

I explained that I added 50 cents in the envelope so he could give away part of what he received. I encouraged him to give the 50 cents to whoever God put on his heart. He was so thankful and I was ecstatic to have been able to see God prove Himself as his Source!  

God's Word is TRUE and He says that He WILL provide for us. Sometimes our circumstances are screaming at us that He isn't providing or won't provide, but in those times we determine to choose to believe our God before we believe what the circumstances are saying. Maybe you're in a tight time financially. We hope these stories encourage you to believe in God's wild, creative and caring ways of getting to us what we need.  

Would you consider making an investment in the future of East St. Louis and its young people by making a one time or monthly gift to the DREAM Center? Giving is easy at our on-line giving page, simply click on the button below OR checks can be mailed to P.O. Box 2456/East St. Louis, IL 62202 (RB)

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